How to Stop Online Gambling

Online gambling can quickly become a highly addictive activity that leads to financial issues, addiction and bankruptcy. But don’t despair:.

Online gambling can quickly become a highly addictive activity that leads to financial issues, addiction and bankruptcy. But don’t despair: there are steps you can take to stop this destructive habit: identify triggers, reduce risk factors and find healthy replacement activities; as well as using self-exclusion (blocking yourself from gambling) should you find yourself backsliding again.

Locating your gambling triggers is the key to understanding problem gambling behaviors and stopping them. Triggers could include internal factors, like feelings or thoughts; or external stimuli, like seeing gambling ads or passing by casinos. The goal is to recognize these triggers so you can avoid or manage them in the future.

Neglecting responsibilities is another telltale sign of online gambling addiction and can have serious repercussions in both your professional and personal life. If you find yourself neglecting work, school, or family obligations for gambling purposes instead, it is crucial that you recognize it as a serious issue and seek treatment immediately.

As part of your financial security plan, it’s also crucial that you lower the financial risks. Avoid using credit cards or carrying large sums of cash with you; delete gambling apps from smartphones/tablets/betting accounts/venues altogether and stay clear from them all as much as possible – taking these precautions will reduce exposure to high-risk situations while providing peace of mind.

If you’re having difficulty quitting gambling, keeping a journal may be an effective way of holding yourself accountable and learning how you could have avoided relapse in future attempts. Furthermore, journal writing can also serve as an invaluable resource when trying to identify what motivates gambling behavior so you can change it over time.

Once you’ve resolved to stop gambling, set both short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Setting goals will help maintain motivation and commitment as you reach milestones along your journey; they also serve as an opportunity to celebrate achievements along the way! Some individuals also find it helpful to start keeping a gratitude journal; it has been shown to boost happiness levels while simultaneously decreasing negative emotions.

While it may be distressing to witness a loved one struggle with gambling addiction, you shouldn’t attempt to force them out. Compulsive gambling is a complex and potentially harmful condition; therefore it is vital that treatment and support efforts be put forth in an attempt to address it. Furthermore, any talk of suicide must always be taken seriously.

Finding help for gambling addiction has never been simpler with online resources like GambCare’s self-assessment tool and support tools, Lifeline’s Gambling page that offers free financial management assistance as well as 24/7 phone hotlines, and Nevada Council on Problem Gambling’s resources for anyone in need of assistance.

This article was written by daisy