How to Sell a Lottery Ticket in Zombie Tsunami

Zombie Tsunami is an exciting side-scrolling runner game with an exciting core mechanic: shifting large obstacles out of your way.

how to sell a lottery ticket in zombie tsunami game

Zombie Tsunami is an exciting side-scrolling runner game with an exciting core mechanic: shifting large obstacles out of your way with zombies collected. Cars, buses and planes selflessly block your path but must be moved aside using all collected zombies; unfortunately this process takes much more zombies than one player can manage to collect alone.

At your disposal are power-ups to help you overcome these obstacles in the game, such as the Tsunami bonus which allows zombies to fly on top of it and ride it. Simply tap your screen repeatedly to control both its height and speed of the tsunami wave!

This game offers several other interesting bonuses you can unlock by combining specific symbols. These bonuses allow zombies to transform into football players, ninja-zombies, dragons and more, providing extra fun and replay value.

One of the best ways to earn in-game currency is through collecting coins. These can be used to purchase upgrades for your zombies, hats to fulfill missions more effectively, and additional power-ups – making sure you collect as many as possible during each run will ensure enough coins to progress further through the game! To ensure you have enough for a smooth gaming experience.

One great way to increase in-game currency is by selling lottery tickets, which serve as scratch off tickets that award coins and powerups when scratched off. Free tickets may be won simply by converting 100th brain, while bought tickets can be obtained in the market for 1000 coins each.

Earning more coins in the game will enable you to advance through its story and unlock more characters, with one effective method being by completing all available missions – these missions offer simple solutions and may reward you handsomely!

Zombie Tsunami has quickly proven itself an engaging runner game with plenty of distinct elements and gameplay that’s both captivating and challenging – not to mention attractive graphics! The latter are perfect for an immersive runner experience. The game features multiple power-ups to assist with overcoming obstacles and completing missions more easily, but some issues exist with its controls; it can be tricky to play on touchscreen devices and its jump function can be challenging to master. However, with practice it is possible to master this skill. Unfortunately, the game is not optimized for older devices so may run slowly on some of them; additionally, some players have reported experiencing crashes occasionally – though these issues do not seem widespread and should be rectified shortly.