Can You Have Herbal Tea While Pregnant?

Know How to Safely Drink Herbal Tea during PregnancyWhether you are an avid tea drinker or new to pregnancy, understanding.

Know How to Safely Drink Herbal Tea during PregnancyWhether you are an avid tea drinker or new to pregnancy, understanding how and when to safely consume herbal tea is an integral component of planning for a healthy gestation. Unfortunately, there has not been much definitive research regarding herbal tea and pregnant mothers are wise to be wary about what they put into their bodies during these nine months.

While the answer to “Can You Drink Herbal Tea While Pregnant” is generally positive, it’s wise to be mindful that there are numerous herbs in existence and they come in various concentrations. Most herbal teas should likely be safe, but as these natural products contain ingredients not studied extensively with regard to pregnancy may contain potentially harmful elements which have yet to be well researched; such ingredients could pose potential threats or interfere with any medications you’re currently taking; it is always a good idea to consult your healthcare provider or midwife prior to trying any new herbal tea products.

According to Nicole Tracy of Nurtured by Nature, most herbal teas have been considered safe during pregnancy as long as the recommended dosage isn’t exceeded. However, some herbs should be avoided, including peppermint which has been known to stimulate menstrual flow in large amounts while red raspberry leaf may promote uterine contractions during labor.

She emphasizes the importance of drinking unboiled herbal teas with care, as these may contain harmful bacteria, viruses or toxins that could harm both pregnant women and their unborn babies. Also recommended: limit caffeine-containing tea consumption to less than 200mg a day to reduce risks such as low birth weight and miscarriage.

For optimal pregnancy herbal tea choices, look for ones low in caffeine that have been proven to relieve symptoms such as morning sickness, nausea and indigestion. Some popular options include ginger tea and chamomile tea while green tea may offer additional pregnancy-boosting nutrients such as iron, magnesium and vitamin C.

As well, there are also herbal teas specifically tailored to alleviating other pregnancy-related discomforts, such as constipation and stretch marks. These pregnancy-friendly teas typically combine these herbs in order to provide maximum comfort during gestation.

As is evident when selecting pregnancy herbal teas for yourself and your body, choosing the ideal pregnancy teas can be challenging. Thankfully, there is a vast array of choices to meet each woman’s individual needs and preferences.